When 'Good' Food Makes You Fat



Say you want to lose weight for summer - so out go the fats and sugars – cakes, sweets, chocolates and chips; replaced by smaller portions and lots of fresh fruit, whole grains and veggies, lean fish and diet yogurts. So far so good, right? Well - not quite.

How many times have you scrupulously dieted only to find that your weight hasn’t budged or, worse still, increased? On top of that, the whole rigmarole has left you so energy-depleted there’s little likelihood of taking up any regular exercise.

Sometimes it seems as though the healthy food we eat actually works against us.

If you’ve ever pondered that - you are not alone. It is your body's response to food toxins - and the same debate is taking place in kitchens and dining rooms around the globe.


What's weighing the world down?

But before we go down that track let’s look at some numbers: the world has a chronic weight problem.

Every second person, it seems, is on a diet - but we continue to get fatter. The more we learn about the issue the less we know. As things stand, humankind is headed for an almighty coronary.

Here’s an easy test we can all do at home. Flick through your old class photos or school magazines. Now, take a look at the class photos of your own children. Notice any difference?  Kids are getting bigger – much bigger.

Childhood obesity has reached epidemic proportions. At an age when children from developed countries should be combatting skinned knees and the occasional outbreak of school lice, excess weight tops the list of major health problems.

And the world’s under-fives are not immune.

  • Nearly 43 million children under 5 are overweight
  • Worldwide obesity has more than doubled since 1980 (World Health Org. 2011)
  • Food intolerance is linked to binge eating, fatigue, bloating and weight gain
  • Food toxins are implicated in thyroid disorders - notorious for unwelcome weight changes.

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But what is 'good nutrition'?

In Australia, the news isn’t any better - where about one in four children is classified as overweight or obese (close to a third of adults are oversized).

  • Yet, has there ever been a time we were being taught more about ‘good nutrition’?

Breakfast programs, daily fitness classes, health-conscious canteens, multi-million dollar awareness campaigns – just where is it all going wrong? No one can say we’re not trying.

As our body measurements balloon, so do the weight-loss and exercise industries. The Australian fitness industry reached $3.5 billion in annual revenue by 2017.

Are we all fit as fiddles? Hardly. In a few years the weight loss industry will exceed more than $423 billion worldwide. Yet still we can’t budge those additional kilos. Why does this industry’s healthy bottom-line fail to reduce our expanding waistlines?


Is it something I ate?

Interestingly, as obesity rates rise, so do reports of something previously known as 'food intolerance'.

Now it is called the DAMAGING IMPACT OF FOOD TOXINS ON THE BODY. There are some things we humans should not eat - becasue we are unable to digest them.

ThyroidGlandWhat happens instead is partial digestion. This produces gremlins which interfere with the thyroid gland - located in the throat - among other organs and systems. But a muddled metabolism leads to unexplained weight gain or weight loss. In particular food toxins like plant proteins and components of milk have been linked to the potential development of obesity in children.

  • Allergy UK reports that 45% of people in the UK have experienced food intolerance at some point in their lives.
  • In Australia about 25% of people believe they suffer from the same complaint – although the actual figure could be much higher.
  • To complicate matters we often crave and binge on the very foods that make us sick leading to problems such as migraine, fatigue, fluid retention and bloating. Any of those sound familiar?

Significantly, two of the most common food sensitivities, dairy and wheat, form the backbone of Western diets. Together, these two account for about 60% of the calories consumed by Americans while on the other side of the world, thanks in part to our burgeoning café culture, Australians are among the highest per capita consumers of milk, chugging down more than 102 litres per person a year.

The trouble is - these favourites are some of the most toxin-laden options we can choose – and there’s the rub.

Reactions to food toxins are as individual as the people who have them, and range from occasional nagging ailments to fuill blown diagnosed disease.

In light of the levels of childhood and adult obesity, perhaps some of the millions spent on teaching utritional ‘rules’ could be diverted into education about food toxins?


Where do I start?

Begin with our free ebook. Food toxins can cause serious long-term health problems. Gluten is just one toxin that could be causing your symptoms. There are more than twenty common FOOD TOXINS – and they act together in different combinations to damage cells and provoke the immune system.

Free ebook about Food Toxins


