Food Intolerance - Definition

The Definition of Food Intolerance (Food Sensitivity)

Food intolerance: The inability to process food toxins

When your body cannot completely process all the elements in a food - the result is partially digested proteins and sugars. 

This happens especially with foods that contain toxins. There are around TWENTY FOOD TOXINS and they combine in different ways to cause misery and sickness. Protein breakdown fragments in particular cause trouble because the body does not recognise them as 'friendly'.

This sparks an inflammatory response from the immune system - which disrupts bodily functions - often leading to disease. In fact scientists have now confirmed - the actions of FOOD TOXINS  is linked to cancer, heart dusease, dementia and others.

However the healing can begin as soon as you take control and reduce food toxins by moving to a low toxin diet.

Learn more with Free ebook.


The Difference Between Food Allergy and Food Intolerance

 Video interview with Deborah Manners explains the difference.



How Common is Food Intolerance?

These are the four main types of food intolerance:

Food Intolerance


Dairy Intolerance (inc. Lactose intolerance)

~ 75%

3 in 4 people

Yeast Sensitivity (Thrush, Candida)

~ 33%

1 in 3 people

Gluten Sensitivity (inc. Celiac & Wheat Intolerance)

~ 15%

1 in 7 people

Fructose Sensitivity or Intolerance

~ 35%

1 in 3 people

Food Allergy

< 1%

1 in 100 people


Dozens of Symptoms of Food Sensitivity - Food Intolerance

Sensitivity to certain foods or food intolerance is the "inability to properly digest or fully process certain foods", which leads to chronic symptoms and illness. But getting yourself onto the right diet allows the Healing to begin!

There are dozens of symptoms of food intolerance. They fall into these groups:

    • Gastro-intestinal (stomach and digestive tract - bloating or diarrhea or irritable bowel, colitis etc.)

    • Respiratory (lungs and breathing - chronic cough, asthma, sinusitis, bronchitis etc.)

    • Dermatological (skin conditions - eczema or psoriasis etc.)

    • Neurological (nervous system - chronic headache,

    • Mental - (behavioural, memory, mood issues, depression)

    • Musculo-skeletal (muscle and bone disorders - stiff joints, arthritis, gout)

    • Reproductive (genital and fertility issues - inability to conceive, miscarriage)

    • Immune system (allergies and frequent infections)

    • Malabsorption (nutrient deficiencies - anaemia, osteoporosis etc.)



Ten Facts About Food Intolerance

Here is a summary of food intolerance:

1. Food intolerance is common:

Medical evidence shows food intolerance or food sensitivity is much more prevalent than the small minorities usually quoted. (eg. Gluten sensitivity is now thought to be ~15% of Americans, rather than ½%. And Lactose intolerance is now known to be so prevalent (~75% are affected to some extent) that those who are not lactose intolerant (the minority) have been described using a new term: lactase persistent. This is to emphasise that they still produce lactase, the enzyme that breaks down lactose. Most humans stop producing lactase at weaning, or around two years of age. Therefore most adults are lactose intolerant - even if they do not yet have obvious symptoms.

2. Food intolerance is genetic:

Food sensitivity is built into your genes, therefore it 'runs in the family'. You got it from your parents and grandparents. In turn - if you have children - you have already passed it on to them. Celiac Disease (or Gluten sensitivity) for instance occurs in 10% of all first degree relatives of Celiacs - sisters, brothers, parents and children. The same food sensitivities can appear within the same family - but with entirely different symptoms.

3. Food intolerance is poorly diagnosed:

Even doctors themselves admit that food sensitivity is poorly diagnosed by clinical methods. See references below. Clinical testing (blood test, biopsy, breath test etc.) is equally as effective as the Journal Method (Elimination Diet method).

4. Symptoms of food intolerance are delayed - and can take days to appear:

Bad reactions to foods can take up to 48 hours to appear after eating. So it is difficult to make a connection between the symptom and the food which caused it. Most people keep buying symptom relief (over-the-counter medications) for years without ever realising they have food intolerance.

5. Low awareness of food intolerance:

Few people understand the effects of food intolerance. It is often confused with food allergy. And because many symptoms are chronic (never seem to go away) they are often attributed to something else. Low awareness contributes to poor diagnosis and even a tendency to tag symptoms as 'incurable'. 

6. Food intolerance gets worse with age:

As with everything else - all the symptoms of food intolerance get worse as we get older. As children and young adults we may have been healthy enough to 'tolerate' wrong foods - without symptoms. But with age our bodies become much less tolerant - and symptoms appear that we have never had before. 

7. Food intolerance makes you sick:

Symptoms of food sensitivity tend to be those we 'put up with' on a daily basis: itching skin, mild diarrhea, coughing, tiredness, mouth ulcers, stomach bloating, stiff joints or back ache and headache. By the time food sensitivity is properly diagnosed - the health can be compromised, with a much greater risk of serious disease. But with corrected diet symptoms evaporate and pre-disease conditions can heal.

8. Food intolerance can be triggered:

Food intolerance suddenly appear later in life. People are frequently surprised to discover they are Dairy intolerant or sensitive to Fructose or Gluten - when they reach ages of 20, 30, 40 or older. The things that trigger intolerance are 'life events' like birth of a child, death of a family member, divorce, sickness, losing your job etc. Until that point - the body had been compensating. But after serious stress, the symptoms begin to appear.

9. Food intolerance is easily fixed:

Despite the risk of serious disease if left untreated, Food intolerance is easy to fix with a changed diet. First, the offending food must be positively identified using an Elimination Diet. Then the new diet is very successful in bringing back good health, better resistance to disease and fresh personal motivation.

As you can see from the table above Food intolerance is common. Lots of people have it but don't realise. ANY symptoms are signals from your body! Don't ignore the signals! 

10. Food Intolerance is the Great Imitator

Sensitivity to certain foods or food intolerance is often known as the Great Imitator because its symptoms are just like other conditions. Food intolerance or food sensitivity is therefore easy to misread or misdiagnose - even by doctors.

Food sensitivity (or food intolerance) is responsible for unnecessary suffering in millions of people. Previously it was thought to be quite rare. But the scientific research evidence points to the opposite - it's rather common.

People who are unaware of their food intolerances - are at increased risk of diseases later in life - like diabetes, obesity, bowel cancer and athritis. So it is really important to investigate any chronic symptoms (the ones that never seem to go away).



All foodintol® information is based on research from peer-reviewed medical journals