Leaky Gut, Anaemia and Malabsorption Disorders

Definition, Prevalence, Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

Definition of Leaky Gut

Leaky Gut is a condition where the lining of the small intestine has become damaged. Tiny holes are torn in the gut lining.

This allows foreign bodies and toxins to 'leak' into the bloodstream - causing symptoms and disease - especially inflammatory disease and malabsorption conditions like osteoporosis and anaemia. Research implicates FOOD TOXINS.


How do food toxins cause Leaky Gut?



Many common staple foods contain what scientists now call FOOD TOXINS. . . things we cannot digest - and which end up digesting us.

Any toxin can interfere with our precious bodily organs and functions. But the ones in our bodies in the greatest concentration are those from foods, FOOD TOXINS.

When they arrive at the small intestine they change the permeability of the intestinal lining . . . holes appear and it becomes 'leaky'.




Malabsorption issues, inflammatory diseases from Leaky Gut

Scientists have confirmed FOOD TOXINS actually attack the lining of the small intestine. Tiny holes appear in the tissue - and these compromise the gut's ability to do its dual tasks of absorbing and filtering. 


Absorption failure: Some things fail to get absorbed (like iron and calcium) and are eliminated from the body. Consequences: 

  • Malabsorption illnesses
    • Anaemia
    • Nutrient deficiencies
    • Bone density loss, osteoporosis

Filtration failure: Now any old pathogen like bacteria, viruses and fungals can escape into the blood stream and multiply. There are now FOOD TOXINS roaming at liberty throughout the body. Consequences:


    • Inflammatory disorders: arthritis, eczema, respiratory congestion
    • Autoimmune disease: celiac, Crohn's, Parkinson's, colitis, cancers, heart disease, diabetes type 1
    • Infections: colds, viruses, bronchial infecitons, yeast and fungal infections
    • Disrupted physiology: miscarriage, infertilty, anxiety, depression



Symptoms and illnesses caused by Leaky Gut

How many people suffering from any of these (in any combination) have considered the possibility of food toxins?

    • Aching legs, back ache or arthritis
    • Family history of arthritis
    • Allergies and hay fever
    • Respiratory, breathing difficulty
    • Frequent or regular headaches
    • Frequent infections like colds and 'flu
    • Weekly or daily bloating and gas
    • Irritable Bowel (alternating bouts of diarrhea and constipation)
    • Mouth ulcers
    • Anxiety or panic attacks
    • Eczema or psoriasis
    • Iron deficiency (anaemia)
    • Osteoporosis - bone density loss
    • Behavioural problems in children
    • Mood swings or depression
    • Chronic tiredness or lethargy
    • Recurring fungal (yeast) infections like candida or tinea
    • Family history of heart disease, diabetes, colitis or Crohn's disease
    • Being somewhat overweight - or underweight
    • Difficulty conceiving a child or miscarriage

In the medical literature every one of these conditions can be traced back to food toxins - and the mechanism by which it all happens is Leaky Gut.

When you eat food your body has to process it: break down the food into digestible stuff so it can be absorbed. While your entire gut has different functions: mouth, stomach, duodenum and intestine - there is a vital bit which gets damaged by eating the wrong foods: the small intestine.

Allowing this part to be compromised jeopardises the entire body. That is why we must avoid leaky gut.

Learn more with the Free ebook about Food Toxins



All foodintol® information is based on research from peer-reviewed medical journals


·         Inflammatory disorders: arthritis, eczema, respiratory congestion

·         Autoimmune disease: celiac, Crohn's, Parkinson's, colitis, cancers, heart disease, diabetes type 1

·         Infections: colds, viruses, bronchial infecitons, yeast and fungal infections

·         Disrupted physiology: miscarriage, infertilty, anxiety, depression