Which foods cause depression and anxiety?

Hard to believe ... but some people can actually start feeling blue - and even become depressed by eating things which contain FOOD TOXINS.

Human bodies cannot fully digest some things. It used to be called food intolerance - now known as food toxin poisoning. It means we are actually poisoned by some foods. Partially broken down food molecules get up to terrible mischief in the body: 

    • creating inflammation in the skin or joints or organs 
    • depositing plaques to clog your arteries
    • attacking delicate membranes in the small intestine, Leaky Gut - which can trigger the vagus nerve disrupting those vital processes which allow us to cope and stay happy.


The Gut-Brain Axis

Your intestine is connected to your brain - affecting your mood

VagusNerveWhen FOOD TOXINS like casein, solanine, gliadin or others pass into a Leaky Gut they cause gastrointestinal distress - and we now know - neurological disturbances.


Working together they cause damage in the digestive tract. But then they cross the gut-brain axis – resulting in neural and brain disorders.


A very long double nerve trunk, the vagus nerve connects the brain to the lungs, heart, gut and other organs.

Everyone has felt the brain have an immediate effect on the gut: in panic or high-stress situations.

But it can work the other way around too. Nerve signals can travel upwards from an unhappy gut - to the brain - but with slow-onset effects.

Symptoms include:

  •  mood swings
  • anxiety
  • depression

These are now linked to digestive issues. Clinical studies also link the food toxins to:

  •  headaches
  • migraines
  • dizziness and
  • nightmares.


Left unattended these can develop into mental illness: schizophrenia or autism. However - studies confirm illness improves when food toxins are avoided.

Learn more with the Free ebook about Food Toxins


Anxiety and depression - which foods?

If you are experiencing anxiety, blue feelings or even early signs of depression - it could be something as simple as eating the wrong foods.

So before resorting to heavy anti-depressant medication - make sure you have thoroughly checked out whether you could be reacting to food toxins.

  • Wouldn't you rather Switch a Few Foods - than get into addictive medications - and their side-effects?

According to medical Journal evidence - the some culprits for anxiety and depression are:

  • Gluten from grains like Wheat and Barley
  • Plant lectins like those in legumes like beans, lentils, soy and peanuts
  • Sugars like those in processed foods
  • Casein and lactose in milk and dairy products like cheese


You may be responding badly one or more of these - leaving you feeling low or anxious. 

There are more than twenty food toxins . . . and they act together in various combinations to cause internal damage that makes us sick – and leads to diagnosis of disease.

The Institute’s eighteen years of helping clients has shown - the most effective approach is to move to a LOW-TOXIN DIET.

We have found the best results come by using a journal – and with moderation … that is a diet which allows some favourites while greatly reducing the level of toxins in the blood . . Find out more at foodintol® LoTox Living



Member letter


'Thank you so much for this site, this site is such a relief to me. I have had horrible mouth sores, gas + bloating, horrible depression and fatigue, I'm a classic example. If it were up to my doctor, I'd be on a plethora of prescription drugs, I can't wait to wean off of almost all of them. No medical person even brought up food intolerance - I researched it myself, I knew there had to be something to this. Thank you for helping me!!!  Sincerely, Michie

MICHIE (Two years later) ....I am really excited that you want to use my letter (that would be a "yes"!) Hopefully, you will reach even more people who are suffering needlessly from food intolerance.....you are presenting a real healing and viable solution. Thanks to you . . . I am living a happy life. I don't feel like I'm missing anything because there are many food choices out there for people like me, thanks to forums like yours who bring people together and create a demand for healthy food alternatives.

I appreciate you contacting me, and I wish you all the best on your latest venture!!! Michie'


I think I might have food intolerance: What should I do?

Begin with our free ebook. Food toxins can cause serious long-term health problems. Gluten is just one toxin that could be causing your symptoms. There are more than twenty common FOOD TOXINS – and they act together in different combinations to damage cells and provoke the immune system.




Food Intolerance and Depression

All foodintol® information is based on research from peer-reviewed medical journals